Thursday, November 4, 2010

Cook your own fried noodles

Egg noodle/DKImages
I can't think of anything to do last All Saint's Day. Since I can't think of anything to get busy with, I resorted to one of my hobbies - cooking!

A night before the All Soul's Day, my family and I went to a grocery store. I took the chance to buy a pack of Safoco egg noodles. It is my first time to buy the product; I just want to experiment on it.

One of my indulgence is fried noodles. I really crave for it especially during break time or during afternoon snacks. I remember when I was an intern for Hinge Inquirer Publications, my friends and I got crazy over this fried noodles stall in Makati Cinema Square.We can't call it a day without having a serving of the fried noodles.

Aside from the Safoco egg noodles, I also bought a pack of fish ball, squid ball, and kikiam for the toppings. Usually, fried noodle stalls offer fried or steamed siomai as the toppings. Some are also mixing bean sprouts with the noodles.

Back at home, when I already have all the ingredients with me, what I did was cook my own fried noodles sans the usual steamed or fried siomai. Cooking your own fried noodles is very, very mediocre. I think anyone can fry their own. Here are the ingredients and steps of what I did last vacation:


1 pack Safoco egg noodles
1 pack fish balls, fried
1 pack squid balls (or chicken balls), fried
Teriyaki sauce
2 tablespoons cooking oil
Toasted garlic bits
Crushed red pepper

Cook your fried noodles:

1.Cook the Safoco egg noodles in hot water for 3 minutes. Make sure not to overcook the noodles. Stir from time to time to avoid the noodles from sticking.

Drain the water once the noodle's cooked. Leave the egg noodles for about an hour or until the noodles are dry.

Preheat a pan. Add the oil. Fry in the dried egg noodles. Mix consistently to avoid sticking in the pan.

Stir in the fish balls and squid balls. Turn off the heat once the noodles are fried.

Place in a bowl the fried noodles. Add your desired amount of Teriyaki sauce. You can also add a small amount of oyster sauce. Top your fried noodles with toasted garlic bits. Add crushed pepper on top if you want it hot.

*You can have your own alternatives for fish balls or squid balls according to your preference. You can try crab rolls or breaded chicken or pork balls for variations.



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