Friday, November 5, 2010

Megamind and Manila Bulletin on 3D

Experts say that soon, 3D will be the most sought-after experience on entertainment and technology. Actually most of the films nowadays are available in 3D versions.


Television sets are also evolving. Sony has its own 3D TV. The popular Gucci just released its 3D shades! Even publications are venturing into this 3D experience.

This morning we received a complimentary copy of Many Bulletin in 3D! 

MB is not the first publication in the Philippines to use 3D in print. The men's magazine FHM, just this year, already incorporated 3D on their issues to enhance readership experience. But for a broadsheet, MB was the first in the Philippines.

Publications are also going with the technology's flow. I tried the 3D edition of Manila Bulletin today. Their 3D glass is sponsored by the movie Mega Mind. By the way, I want to watch that movie. HAHA! Lol!

For me, somehow, it is pretty cool. Let us just see if other publications would also do the same.


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