Saturday, October 9, 2010

TEL’s Top 5 Stories for the Week

#5200 new species found in Papua New Guinea

This is one proof of life’s biodiversity. Just to summarize a few, there were 20 species of frogs, 29 species of ants, 9 to 30 species of katydids, 9 species of plants, 45 species of spiders, 2 species of mammals, and 6 species of dragonflies/damselflies found in Papua New Guinea. The full list of the species is available on the website of Conservation International.

#4Socotra: Yemen’s hidden kingdom

This island has thousands of dragon-blood trees, yellow vultures, calm sea and a tradition people greet each other by touching nose and foreheads.

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#3Carl Guevarra’s statement: “Okay lang na pag-piyestahan, ‘di naman nila makukuha e”

Photo credit: Bench
Carl Guevarra is one of the successful product of the Bench-initiated modeling contest. He bagged the prized for the male category, while Regine Angeles on the counterpart.

Carl Guevarra is now being more visible in the limelight. He is now tagged as one of the hottest male stars of GMA-7. Lately, he also shows his “abdified” body during the 2010 Cosmpolitan Bachelor Bash together with other Kapuso stars.

Now, many of his fans are asking. Is he willing to do more daring roles and stunts?

#2Google’s tribute to John Lennon’s 70th birthday

Google pays tribute to music legend John Lennon by creating and embedding a "John Lennon's Google Doodle" on its homepage.

#1: RH bill stirs debate

The controversy and the unresolved issue of the Reproductive Health Bill tops the TEL’s Top 5 Stories for the Week!.

Twitter has been flocked with so many tweets using different hash tags like #rhbill, #CatholicChurch and so on.

Debate is still at loose but President Noynoy Aquino is firm with his decision that he’s not just for the Catholics.


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